Friday 5 June 2015

The Holy Spirit

We need to be changed and transformed by the Holy Spirit. When I first travelled to Ukraine they used to get their milk delivered not in a carton, but in a large container on the back of a carriage. When the housewives saw the man in the street with the milk, they didn't take the first jug they saw in the kitchen which was half full of dirty water, no, they took out a clean empty jug. It is the same principle with the Holy Spirit. We need to be emptied of ourselves so that we can be filled with the Holy Spirit! Our prayer needs to be: 'Lord change me now, not in part but the whole, Jesus touch me once again, as Your Spirit flows over me.'

The revolution when you receive the Holy Spirit has to be life-transforming. In the Acts of the Apostles, the disciples received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, instantly they were no longer frightened and ineffective, but filled with boldness and fire! That's what we need today in our lives and in the church - a new boldness, a new authority, a new power.

This baptism is not just an anointing or a feeling or an emotional experience - it has to be a complete life-changing miracle: it will change your thinking, habits, relationships for the better; it is a complete physical and spiritual change.

'The Spirit of the Lord will come powerfully upon you, and you will prophesy with them; and you will be changed into a different person.' (1 Samuel 10:6, NIV)

Listen to today's podcast: The Holy Spirit

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