Yes, we have anointing - but we also have an authority, direct from God, over the devil, over sickness, over sin. Jesus did not heal the sick by His praying, He healed them by His authority, by His word of command. With this centurion, Jesus spoke the word - the centurion believed, went home and his servant was healed.
I love to see Jesus heal those that the doctors cannot help! To me, the real miracles of healing are when doctors have tried to heal and failed, then God takes over and by a miracle does what the most expert of doctors cannot do. I have seen many people healed of broken bones and the effects of accidents, especially young people, and many other young ones born blind, deaf, crippled, where medical science can do nothing. Our circumstances can be changed; the Word of God cannot and will not fail! Jesus has power and authority in your life, power to set you free, power to heal you of every sickness, power to resurrect dead circumstances. Only believe, and the miracle will happen! The Bible says of Jesus that He healed all who came to Him. If you will come to Him today, if you will call upon His Name, He will heal you of every symptom and disease.
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