Monday, 21 December 2015

Christmas Celebration

Whosoever will call on the Name of the Lord will be saved. Wherever you are, whoever you are, whatever your condition, this Jesus, who we celebrate at Christmas, He is the One, He is Messiah. Jesus is the Son of God, He is alive. And He has power to work miracles in your life today. Jesus will forgive every sin and heal every sickness, but first, we must repent. What is repentance? It is not a religious ceremony or ritual; repentance is simply changing our behaviour.

My encouragement to you this Christmas is 'Emmanuel, God with us'. Jesus is not distant, He is with you: regardless of where you are or what you've done, Jesus is there, He loves you. He has promised never to leave or forsake you.

Listen, download or watch our special Christmas Celebration

Listen to Christmas Celebration by clicking here

Download the audio: Download this episode (right click and save)