Monday, 16 November 2015

The Words of Jesus

If only we could hear the words of Jesus. In your life, in your problems today, just where you are, Jesus wants to say, "Don't be afraid, only believe." In your biggest crisis, in the time when you feel that your life is at an end, call upon His Name and He will answer. If only you would believe in Jesus, you would see the biggest miracle of your life. With Jesus there is no crying, no sorrow, no weeping. The very Name of Jesus brings hope: His Name means salvation. At the mention of His Name demons have to flee. At the Name of Jesus death is turned into life.

Do you have a promise that has not been fulfilled? Has every glimmer of hope been extinguished, are you weak and shaken by the absolute impossibility of what you see? - Don't let go, it's not a problem to God! If it 'can't happen', that just makes you a candidate for a miracle! God's Word works! Everything needed to fulfil your promise was contained within that promise the very first time the Lord made it known to you. The Word of God is not 'like' a seed - it IS a seed. Contained within every seed in nature is the life-giving DNA, written by God - the entire plan for the future of that seed!

If God has spoken to you, given you the seed of His Word, receive it, keep it, don't let it go! When the angel spoke to Mary, she believed it, received it, 'Let it be to me according to Your Word' (Luke 1:38). And Elizabeth recorded of her, 'Blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.' - God will do it!

Is it hard for you to hold on? Don't abort the Word of God. Be like Mary, hold on to what God has said, keep it in your heart. God's promises are not worked out in the ordinary way, but according to His plan, His timing, His order. It may be impossible to you. But remember, the Angel said to Mary, 'With God nothing is impossible' (Luke 1:37). There is power in the Words of Jesus.

Listen to today's podcast: THE WORDS OF JESUS

Friday, 13 November 2015

Only Believe

In most healing testimonies in the Gospels, it is reported  that many, and sometimes all, were healed. But it is also recorded that in some places even Jesus could do no mighty works because of their unbelief - Matthew 13:58. The New Testament records of the disciples that, though they put their faith in Jesus, first in one need or crisis, then in another, their faith was punctuated by unbelief. Even at the Last Supper, Jesus said to them, "Do you now believe?"

Every one of us who considers himself to be the Lord's disciple must recognise the unbelief and hardness that assails our heart in each new situation, each new difficulty, and must ask God for a renewing and growth of our faith. Our circumstances CAN be changed; the Word of God CANNOT fail! The Bible says we live by faith. Paul wrote: 'The life I live, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me' (Galatians 2:20). When you find yourself in situations where you doubt your faith, remember the simple cry found in Mark 9:24, 'Lord I believe, help my unbelief.'

Listen to this week's podcast: ONLY BELIEVE

Friday, 6 November 2015

Thank God for the crisis!

Things go wrong; problems come into our lives. Events happen which are beyond our control. In Mark 5 Jairus knew that Jesus could solve his problem, he believed in miracles, but what Jairus didn't know is how big a miracle he would need. Jesus knew the delay caused  by healing other people meant this girl would die, but He also knew there was going to be a resurrection. Jesus said to Jairus, and He says to you, 'Don't be afraid, only believe'.

Although none of us like having problems, I have come to realise that it is a privilege when God places us in extreme circumstances. In the natural, without pressure and resistance, our muscles start to fade away; the only way to develop them is to put them under increasing strain on a regular basis. It is the same in our walk with God. He has not abandoned you when you are under pressure, rather He is using it to develop your faith just as a personal trainer uses weights to build muscles on an athlete. At times it seems that my life goes from crisis to crisis, until I even say to God, "Isn't it time You made my life a little bit easier?" But He has a simple answer, "Without the crisis you will stop learning!" So thank God for the crisis in your life!

Listen to this week's podcast: GOD WORKS MIRACLES!